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An Alphabet of Names

A  is for Alfred, who Angled at Ayr,
B  is for Bernard, who Baited a Bear,
C  is for Clara, who Came with her Chum
D  is for Donald, who Danced on his Drum,
E  is for Eve, who Encountered an Eel,
F  is for Fanny, who Fashioned a Frill,
G  is for George, who has Gone to the Glen,
H  is for Harold, who Hustled the Hen,
I  is for Irene, who Intends to use Ink,
J  is for Joseph, who Jumped a high Jink,
K  is for Kenneth, who Kept a large Kite
L  is for Lawrence, who Laughed at the Light
M  is for Malcolm, who Marched to the Mine
N  is for Norman, of Newts he caught Nine,
O  is for Oswald, who an Owl did Observe,
P  is for Peggy, with a Pot of Preserve,
Q  is for Quentin, who Questioned a Quail,
R  is for Robert, who Rests on a Rail,
S  is for Susan, whose Steed lost a Shoe
T  is for Thomas, who Tried to Tattoo,
U  is for Ursula, who Upset an Urn,
V  is for Victor, with Volumes by Verne,
W  is for William, who Went to the Well
X  is for Xavier, who eXpects to eXcel,
Y  is for Yorick, a Youth who can Yell,
Z  is for Zeno, a Zulu with Zeal.



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